Shadin Avionics Logo

About Us

It’s quite simple

We like the word “simplicity”. Not because what we do is simple. In fact, it is quite the opposite. We like the word because of what we can do for our customers. We simplify the complex challenge of aircraft systems integration. And that, quite simply, makes them happy!


We operate on a foundation of integrity.


We believe in being accountable for results.


We know that the simplest solution is usually the best.


We certify our products for flight.


We operate on a foundation of integrity.


We believe in being accountable for results.


We know that the simplest solution is usually the best.


We certify our products for flight.


We operate on a foundation of integrity.


We believe in being accountable for results.


We know that the simplest solution is usually the best.


We certify our products for flight.

A New Company with a Long History

Shadin Avionics has been supplying reliable avionics and unmatched support for more than 40 years, one-third of the time since the Wright Brother’s first flying machine! Throughout that rich history, Shadin has developed a reputation for unmatched product quality and unwavering support.

Now, in our fifth decade and under new ownership, we are excited to apply over 100 years of executive team aerospace experience and a uniquely developed and customizable product technology to revolutionize aircraft system integration with unparalleled agility and expertise.

Shadin Leadership

Mike Ingram

President & Chief Executive Officer

Brian McMillan

Chief Technical Officer

Carrie Babinski

Director of Finance

Kevin Jones

Sales Manager

Monte Thue

 Engineering Fellow

Lasamy Mila

Human Resources

Trevor Lund

Director of Business Development

Roman Jarosiewicz

Director of Engineering and Programs

Darryl Nicolay

Director of Engineering and Programs

Our modern, 20,000 square foot design and manufacturing center in Eden Prairie, Minnesota reflects the innovation and creativity of our culture, but it is the people of Shadin that generate smiles of satisfaction.

Over 1700 Customers Worldwide

Every Customer

From the private Cessna flyer to the world’s largest defense contractors, each customer feels like they are our only customer.

All Segments

The first “Shadin” fuel flow indicator was installed in 1978. Since that introduction into the General Aviation market, Shadin’s expansive portfolio spans all major segments including the rapidly growing unmanned fleets and electronic aircraft.